Featured Five Web Apps Developed by Our Participants in 2019

Moat Academy (www.moatacademy.com) is a software developer hotbed; we have created an environment that fosters rapid growth and high performance to make our participants become remarkable developers within a short period of time.

While our participants are still at the academy, they come up with various ideas which they develop to software products as a demonstration of the skills they acquire from the programme.

Among the web applications developed during our 2019 boot camps are the following five selected enterprising web applications as presented by the participants on their respective last day at the boot camp.

1) Zenus, Cooperative Management Software by Gbolahan

It is a Cooperative Society Management Application that allows creation of account for members and for them to carry out activities such as savings, loan requests and repayments, withdrawals with Authorization (transaction approvals) done by the Admin like a typical core banking application. The generation of various reports (such as account statement) is available, enabling transparency and accountability of the societies.

Gbolahan developed Zenus Cooperative Software to help cooperative societies manage their Members easily, maintain transparency and increase accountability.

Technology Stack: Python, Flask Framework, JavaScript (AJAX, JSON), jQuery, MySQL, Bootstrap, CSS , HTML
API Consumed: Paystack

2) Unilancer, freelancing Platform by Dika

Unilancer is a one-stop shop where skilled university students can showcase their skills and create service/product offerings (called gig) and prospective clients /customers can transact business with them through it.

Dika built Unilancer (http://unilancerpro.com/) so that skilled university students will be able to generate wealth even while they are still on campus.
Technology Stack: PHP OOP, JavaScript ( AJAX, JSON) , jQuery, bootstrap, CSS , HTML
API Consumed: Paystack

3) Mypayview, Escrow Service by Kenneth

Mypayview is an Escrow Service application developed to act as a trusted third party that collects, holds, and disburses funds when both a buyer and the seller are satisfied with their business terms with the aim of increasing the assurance of payment in a business transaction.

Kenneth built Mypayview to solve trust issues that have been an Achilles heel of E-commerce
Technology Stack: Python, Flask Framework, JavaScript ( AJAX, JSON) , jQuery, bootstrap, CSS , HTML
API Consumed: Paystack

4) Foodie, Food Ordering System by Praise

Foodie, an online food ordering application that can be customized for any food vendor/restaurant to display their menu thus allowing prospective customers to place order at their convenience.

Praise hopes to solve the problem of long queues at restaurants with Foodie
Technology Stack: PHP OOP, JavaScript ( AJAX, JSON) , jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS , HTML
API Consumed: Paystack

5) Get Caregivers, Health care Delivery Platform by Olanrewaju

Get Caregivers (http://getcgs.com/) is a web application that provides easy access for the users to hire caregivers (trained professionals and other individuals) at the comfort of their homes while creating employment opportunities for this category of professionals.